Most people think they understand diet…

They’ll say things like:

Watch your calories…

Eat plenty of protein…

Eat less carbs…

Eat less, exercise more…


Yet, most people end up obese or with some sort of chronic disease…

How would you know if your current knowledge of food is serving you or hurting you?

The only way is to break it apart one piece at a time…

Most people that come through here realize that being healthy isn’t so much about diets, reading food labels, discovering some ancient wild berry from some obscure jungle on the other side of the world…

Rather than learning, they need to unlearn what the world has taught them as “healthy”… learn the lies that were mixed in with the truth so you can clearly see how people are getting duped into creating disease as they age…

“The truth shall set you free…”

The first one I like to start with is minerals…

You need minerals to be properly hydrated…

You need minerals to use the energy your body produces…

You need minerals to activate the enzymes that digest food for you…

You need minerals to build new cells (read that as you need minerals to live…)

Knowing that minerals are a key component of life, then the next question to ask is, where do minerals come from?

The best place to get minerals from is salt…

… but isn’t salt bad for you?

This is the dilemma…

Salt is good for you, but many people believe salt is bad for them…

If salt is good for you, then where does this belief that salt is bad for you come from?

In 1924, people were being told that they were deficient in iodine and therefore iodine needed to be added to salt…

They took salt which contained all the minerals the body needs and emphasized only one mineral, iodine…

They scared people away from regular salt which contains all minerals saying that if they didn’t intake iodine, they would end up with an enlarged thyroid…

Here’s the problem with iodized salt… it only contains iodine, and lacks all the other minerals your body needs…

If iodized salt were good, then why does it oxidize when it comes into contact with food?

This is where I begin to differ in opinion between what “the experts” say and what I see when I interact with food…

Remember that health depends on your ability to grow probiotics…

To see if salt is good or not, simply try to grow probiotics with it…

Try making sauerkraut with iodized salt and compare it with traditional, unrefined sea salt (with minerals)…

Sauerkraut recipe

1 Organic cabbage

2 Tbsp Celtic sea salt

Instructions: shred cabbage and add sea salt. Let sit for 6-8 hours. Pack cabbage and liquid into a container and let sit for 3-6 weeks at room temperature to ferment. *use a glass or ceramic container with a lid that doesn’t seal so that gas can be released.

What you’ll find is that cabbage will ferment if you use salt with ALL minerals because probiotics need those minerals to digest and grow healthy…

Note that salt with minerals will be labeled saying “this salt does not contain iodine”… but it doesn’t matter because salt is not supposed to have iodine added to it… salt was created perfectly balanced with the minerals it needs…

If you try to ferment with iodized salt you will end up with oxidized, rotten food because iodine reacts with food and because it won’t provide probiotics with the minerals they need to grow healthy…

What’s more… your body needs minerals to regulate blood pressure… without these minerals, your body can’t regulate blood pressure… that’s why eating too much iodized salt elevates blood pressure…

That’s why when you go to see a doctor, they will say “salt is bad for you”…

Truth is, if you are talking about iodized salt, then yes, iodized salt is bad for you…

If you are talking about mineralized salt, then you need to know that the minerals in salt are good for you because that’s what your probiotics need to grow healthy…

If you don’t get minerals from salt, you become mineral deficient…

If you are deficient in minerals, then you’ll become dehydrated…

This is the beginning of low energy… if you have salt cravings, that may be your body telling you that it’s craving minerals!

Hydration isn’t just about drinking more water…

Hydration is also about making sure your body has ALL minerals, not just iodine…

The question for you is how mineral deficient are you?

You need minerals to digest the foods you eat…

What you can and can’t digest is highly dependent on how mineralized your body is…

What’s going to make your diet unique to you is you understanding what minerals you lack that you need to replenish…

Hydration is how you’ll begin to address mineral deficiencies…

That’s why hydration is step #1 to get more energy and lose weight…

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