Doctors should not tell hypothyroid patients that it is a forever thing…

They should say “my ability to help you or the extent of my knowledge to help you has ended. You must now go explore”

… and that’s exactly what I did.

I became a fanatic student of health as I battled with my own thyroid issues.

The one thing that I can not get through my head is why doctors know so little about nutrition, yet I’m finding it is what impacts health most??

Well, rather than try to understand that, I just began to find some of the best foods we should be eating when dealing with thyroid issues…

Understand that food is not necessarily something you chew… it has taken me years to re-program myself and understand that real food nourishes the body, it doesn’t “fill it”.

See, most people hear that they need more iodine and immediately begin looking for foods with iodine they can eat…

… but the best way I’ve found to take in iodine is actually transdermal like this video shows…

… as you can see some of the best food for your thyroid is stuff you’ve probably never heard of like brown seaweed extract, etc.

… but again, that’s only if you focus on feeding iodine to your thyroid… but your thyroid thrives on more than just iodine…

Since January 2013, there have been few foods I can point to that I can say you must at least give it a try to get your thyroid working again… but one that stands out is seeds!

Yes seeds are food…

Not many people will tell you that, but when you have thyroid issues and you begin doing research you will find others who have already paved the way for you…

I mean how many people do you know who consider avocado seeds a food??

Not many, but you can indeed turn the avocado pit into powder (need a powerful food processor) and add to smothies, etc., or you can boil it to extract some of the nutrients (make a tea)…

You can simply do a quick google search for ways to eat or get nutrients out of avocado seeds…

… but avocado seeds are not the only seeds. Pumpkin seeds, flax seed, sunflower seed, watermelon seed…

Even apple seeds!

Again, go research more on this, but this begins to explain why I was on a mostly liquid diet… I’d make teas like avocado seed tea, smoothies and I can not recommend juicing enough!!

Try it and let me know!


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