If you want to reach the goal of being healthy you must use tools that act like a compass not tools that act like a watch.
It’s better to head in the right direction (even if it’s slow) than to head nowhere fast…
Most people want to learn how to lose weight fast, or what are the recipes or diet I followed to lose weight (fast). They focus on the wrong thing and worse they want their results fast.
If there is a reason why my results were pretty fast it was not because of some secret recipe. It was because I took the time to make sure I was going to be headed the right direction. That’s what this chapter is about.
There are 5 things you need to keep in mind when it comes to nutrition. In order for your body to use up any of the macro nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, or protein) it needs:
• Water
• Minerals
• The right temperature
• The right pH
• Enzymes
If your body lacks water, it won’t function at it’s peak performance. It will be dehydrated and many things can go wrong if you don’t make sure your body is fully hydrated. They say your body is about 60 to 70% water… well, you need to be the one raising that number. Most people are dehydrated and need to drink more liquids (not just water)
If your body lacks a mineral, it can cause the body to malfunction. Lack of calcium can make your joints or bones hurt. Lack of copper can make your cerebral cortex fail and affect your memory. Lack of magnesium can constipate you. Lack of iodine can affect stomach acid production and lead to various digestive problems… every lack of mineral will affect something in your body.
One of the biggest reasons why people are sick and getting fat by the minute is lack of minerals and eating foods that rob the body of minerals – Yes! Food can actually rob nutrients from you rather than nourish you.
The right temperature and the right pH work together with water and minerals to make enzymes work. Enzymes are the tools the body uses to break down and build up macro nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, protein).
These are five essential things you need to keep in mind as we discuss the different macro nutrients.