The Healthy Thyroid Method To Get Your Energy Back and Control Your Weight

When I started on my journey to get my thyroid under control I faced a big challenge... there seems to be no reliable way to test and find out exactly where is your thyroid going wrong!!

Is it your TSH?

Lack of iodine?

Your Free T3?

Is it your liver not converting T4 into T3?

Is it iodine being displaced by flouride, bromine, chlorine, etc.?

Is it further back because of weak glands (pituitary, adrenal, etc.)??

Without knowing where you are, it is nearly impossible to determine exactly how to tackle the problem...

All I knew was that the scale kept creeping up...





and on...

My skin (especially my face and scalp) were as dry as the Sahara...

My hair was falling out and I started to get gray hair in my twenties...

My hands and body were cold...

My nails brittle and missing their halfmoons...

I had heavy eyebags, and dark around my eyes...

Zero energy.


Unclear thinking... including memory loss.

on and on...

No one understood what was going on!

Why was I having to take naps while everyone else had plenty of energy?

Enough was enough...

Problem #1 - The Beer Belly

Before I figured out I had thyroid issues, I began to blame lack of energy to aging... weight gain to beer.

... but I had no explanation for the dry skin, hair falling off, cold body temperature and warts growing on my fingers...

After following what I thought would be a healthy diet, exercising and still watching the scale go up, I realized something else was wrong.

My first instinct as I developed a beer belly was, I should quit drinking... and so I did...

... but later realized that was not the issue.

My thyroid was...

Fat wasn't the issue...

Mucin was.

See... one of the problem I was having due to my thyroid was that my stomach was not producing enough stomach acid...

That means that anytime I ate any type of protein (especially gluten), I would get some sort of allergic reaction...

Undigested proteins is the main cause of allergies and what made my body produce mucin giving me the infamous "beer belly"

This is a main reason why we tend to stay away from grains high in gluten (protein)

As a home brewer, I knew a thing or two about digesting proteins, so I came up with a protein break-down smoothie to help my body out a bit...

It's a simple smoothie. Simply mix:

  • 1 Orange (juice)
  • 1 Cup Papaya
  • 1 Cup Pineapple

Both papaya and pineapple have digestive enzymes that help break down proteins in the body. I've found this to be perfect for just about any type of inflammation.

Problem #2 - Lack of Energy & Sex Drive

When your hormones are out of whack, your mood and your energy (and those around you) suffer.

The idea that I would prefer sleep over sex was not exactly okay with my partner. Not to mention, I missed working out and having energy just to do simple tasks like being able to sit down and not fall asleep.

In order to get my energy back, I had to find a way to get my thyroid and other glands working properly...

This was definitely not an easy task, and took lots of research (me being the lab rat)...

At first I was told I needed more "whole animal" proteins, but as I described above, I couldn't stomach most of them...

So I found something better...


Our glands need oils.

The best one I've found is Coconut Oil... but you must make sure to get centrifuged coconut oil.

Many add it to their coffee in the morning, I personally just like to take a spoonful about an hour before bed, or rub it directly on my neck around my thyroid...

... and I've made sure to get good supplements of gland power foods like:

  • Goji Berries
  • Maca
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Ashwagandha

I keep these around in powder form (except goji berries) and I like to add them to green smoothies... they are the base of my pre-workout smoothies, they help with energy and sex energy just happens to be excess energy your body produces...

Just these two simple steps helped me get on the right track... I was excited to finally start getting my life back and be back to normal...

What happened next, I hope you too someday get to experience...

- "Beer" Jorge