15 Pounds Challenge
The average American is about 25 lbs overweight… 15 of those pounds is what we in the brewing world call TRUB… Clean it up!
1. Kick Bad Bacteria Out Of Your Body
The body is like a big fermenting vessel... you are a host to bacteria, yeast, fungus, living body cells, etc. The problem is that the type of food you eat determines whether you grow good friendly bacteria or bad bacteria.
The food that encourages the growth of bad bacteria is usually food that ends up getting stuck in your colon. This turns into crust and it's a 5 star resort for bad bacteria. The average person on the Western diet or Standard American Diet (SAD) has about 10 to 20 lbs of hardened up crap!
The first step in transitioning to a healthier lifestyle is to get rid of the bad bacteria inside your body... for that I used Oxy Powder...
Use as directed in bottle...
2. Kick Free Radicals Out Of Your Body
The problem with eating bad food is that it fills your body up with toxins, poisons (free radicals) and that oxidizes your body.
If you think of an apple, when you cut it in half and expose it to air, it turns brown or oxidizes. Free radicals cause oxidation. The opposite of free radicals are anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants keep your body from oxidizing.
There are many ways to detoxify your body, but what I used that worked for me was ganoderma from Gano Excel.
The cheapest way to get ganoderma is by becoming an affiliate of Gano Excel.
To sign up please contact me using the button below.
I take about 3 a day, though depending on how toxic you are, you may have to ease into it and start with 1 capsule a day... listen to your body.
3. Fill Your Body Up With Probiotics
Our bodies are filled with bacteria, yeast, fungus, etc. We don't have a choice about that... what we do have a choice is the "type" of bacteria living inside of us...
That's what the 15 pound challenge is about... switching the type of bacteria inside the body...
I don't know how your body will react to this, but all I know is that when I changed the environment inside my body and filled it with "good" bacteria, I began to think clearer, had more energy, lost weight, and overall improved my health in ways I can't say because it could be deemed as making a claim...
There are many ways to get probiotics, though one I really recommend is taking the probiotics from Dr. Mercola...
Use as directed or use it to ferment fruits, cabbage (sauerkraut), etc. (See recipes)
How Long Do I Have To Do This?
Everyone is a little bit different…
For Oxypowder it could be 3 to 7 days… You’ll have to watch more videos on our blog or YouTube channel, though one way you’ll be able to know is the day you begin to get better sleep… (this may not be the best indicator, but some friends have reported this and I felt this as well) If sleep is your indicator it’s the organic germanium in oxy powder working for you!
For Ganoderma, I did 6 months to 1 year moderate consumption (3+ capsules a day) and then eased off but continue to consume since it is FOOD!
For Probiotics, I use them to ferment foods and make things like sauerkraut, fermented hummus, etc. (see recipes)... both probiotics and ganoderma are indefinite since they make up the "living food" category
Will I Lose 15 Pounds?
Losing weight is not the primary goal of this site… I personally lost 42 pounds, but really I’m more concerned about living a healthier lifestyle…
This is really the initial phase of the Beer Diet Project and the foundation…
Truth is, you still need to change your eating habits… this will clean you up and change the bacteria inside you, but if you continue eating “bad” foods, it’s only a matter of time before you go back to the way you are. Be sure to check out the recipes and all the videos to learn more about changing your lifestyle!
Since I'm not personally monitoring you I can't promise you anything... what I do know is that the friends I've personally monitored and coached have seen amazing results... this is free information and we're working on getting everything you need to know up on the website... don't be afraid, just go for it!
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