
The Culprits

November 2012

November 2013

I used to think I was alone with everything I was going through, but hypothyroidism is more common than most people think...

The root cause and what you'll have to do to get better may be the same or it may be different than what I went through.

See, when I got started doing research, I listened to just about anything and anyone I came across... but as time went by and learned THROUGH EXPERIENCE, things changed.

The number of people I listened to about health greatly diminished.

In fact, the people I trust the most when it comes to health do not consider themselves 'Experts'!

Rather, they are students... and they are not easy to find...

And what's their most important quality?

They Project Their Own Health!!

Much like me, I have learned a lot, but I am careful not to ever think I actually understand how my body works much less those of others...

I have an idea... and that's what this site is about.

This is what I've learned through experience. This is my "model" and my current "understanding" of how the body works... but again, I'm still learning.

Hypothyroidism... more than meets the eye

While trying to figure out what was wrong with me I looked at everything... for well over a year I gave my eyes no sleep. I made sure to leave to stone unturned, no method untried...

Not everything worked for me...

... but I am going to list it, because it may work for you!

Starting at the top... What is Hypothyroidism?

Over time, I've redefined what it means to be hypothyroid... it boils down to a state where your body lacks free thyroid hormone.

From here you can begin to ask yourself questions like:

  • Is your thyroid not producing enough thyroid hormone?
  • Are you iodine deficient?
  • Is your liver not converting T4 into T3?
  • Are your glands (thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, pineal, etc.) under attack?
  • Is your T3 inactive?
  • Are you overly stressed?
  • Is it your TSH levels?
  • etc.

The more I researched into the topic, the more I became aware of all the different ways our bodies are under attack.

Hypothyroidism was  wake up call for me to change my ways.

I either learned what it means to be healthy or perish like the vast majority of people who grow old with multiple diseases.

Since I have put together a free report

I hope my research helps you shortcut yours... and based on where you're at, you may want to implement a specific tailored for you diet...

There are many ways to optimize your diet, and over time I've come up with a pretty good one that works for me.

Again, I became a self-experiment, and I'm not here to tell you what will work for you, but rather walk you through what I did in hopes that you find something that does work for you!

- "Beer" Jorge