[Energy Bootcamp]

Health is a Skill

Imagine a butterfly trying to tell a caterpillar that it can fly...

That's what it feels like at times when I try to tell people they can experience more energy in their 40's than they did in their 20's even if they have hypothyroidism.

Boosting your energy levels is easy when you focus on creating an environment to grow healthy probiotics in your gut.

Getting more energy isn't hard, but it does require a metamorphosis of sorts. You can't keep doing the things you are currently doing and expect to get results. Something's gotta give... 

I used to be the caterpillar... I used to think I knew what it meant to be healthy. I used to say things like "oh yeah, of course I'm healthy, I eat organic."

"I eat everything in moderation."

... and later on, when I started restricting myself, I would say things like "I eat lean meats and veggies."

... and got to a point where I started saying: "I'm raw vegan."

That's what I now call having a "health ego." 

I had a health ego, when I thought I knew what it meant to be healthy, but my results said otherwise.

After seven years of trying to get rid of thyroid fatigue and failing I decided to go all in and take this seriously.

It wasn't an easy change, but the alternative was to stay stuck where I was... I was:

Too exhausted to move.
Struggling to stay awake.
Low energy was affecting performance at work
Couldn't say yes to active play with my nephews (family was frustrated at me)
I'd tried the diets
I'd tried the supplements
I'd done everything doctors told me to do and nothing worked

I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired...

I had to find out for myself if I could get my body to produce hormones so that I didn't have to take medication for life.

How to Get More Energy

In 2019 I hit a point of frustration... I knew about this information, but I wasn't ready to let go of my old ways...

A friend posted a picture on social media with me in the background, and I was embarrassed about how I looked with my shirt off... not because I was the worst I've looked (I've looked worse)...

... but because I had been trying to figure this out for seven years.

That's when I decided to stop tip toeing around with this stuff.

I had the same excuses I hear from people... "I'm not good with diet"... "I'm not consistent"... 

Health is a skill...

It's an inner battle more than anything... I had a sweet tooth that I gave into easily... 

The good news is that I didn't have to use willpower to get rid of my sugar cravings...

Very little had to do with knowing what to do... I knew exactly what to do just like you do if you've read any of my newsletters... and if you haven't, read on because I'll share what to do below...

I decided to take a year to really try this out. My method was to simply do things that I knew were good for growing probiotics. 

I just needed to practice, practice, practice...

I would make sure I was hydrating, working on my vitamin D levels, eating nourishing foods, working on my digestion, balancing my pH and cleaning out my body. 

I went live on social media every day to document this.

... and one year later in June of 2020, I saw the transformation I was looking for.

I got my energy back...

I saw my six pack abs for the first time in my life... 

My mind was sharp and clear... 

My body was producing hormones... 

I no longer had autoimmune issues... 

Getting More Energy is Simple

There's not much you need to know about getting more energy... everything revolves around probiotics.

The word probiotics means:

Pro = For
Biotics = Life

Probiotics are the ones that give you energy, digest food for you, make vitamins, produce hormones, grow muscle tissue, hair, skin & nails...

They keep you alive!

Probiotics live primarily in your gut. When you take care of probiotics, probiotics take care of you.

The way to create an environment for probiotics in your gut is the same way you would do this if you were trying to grow a tree:

Give it the right amount of water
Make sure it has minerals
Make sure pH levels are within range
Make sure its temperature is within range
Drink and eat food based on the probiotic strains you are looking to grow/strengthen 

That's it!!!

There's no need to cut out sugar, dairy, gluten or other food groups...

There's no need to count calories... 

There's no need to count macros...

There's no need to eat for your blood type...

All you have to do is learn what makes probiotics healthy and strong and let that inform your decisions.

This is what brewing beer taught me about health... I simply looked at my brewing skills and translated them to health skills.

Here's a brief overview on these skills...

Skill #1 - Proper Hydration to Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics

Water is the foundation of the environment you create for probiotics. 

In brewing beer, we had to adjust our water based on the recipe we were brewing... traditionally, people adjusted their beer recipes to their local water source.

For example, in Dublin, Ireland, the water is highly alkaline and highly mineralized, so brewers would use dark roasted grains in their recipe because roasted grains are acidic and that would balance the alkalinity in their local water.

In Pilsen, Czech Republic, the water had low mineral content and was pretty close to neutral pH. Brewer's had to slightly alkalize water to cater to the probiotics in grains. 

This is a skill that I translated and now use in my drinking water. I adjust both the foods that I eat and the water I drink to cater to the probiotics in my gut. 

Skill #2 - Getting Deep Restorative Sleep to Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics

One of the most powerful things about sleep is that the body heals itself when you sleep. 

Healing happens when you get deep restorative sleep. 

Have you ever cut yourself early in the day and as the day goes by, you may stop the bleeding, but notice the body doesn't really heal? 

... then you go to sleep and overnight, you suddenly have a scar and you can see that the body healed itself?

That only happens when you get REM sleep. This is an environment that allows probiotics to go to work!

Sleep isn't a matter of going to bed early or staying in bed longer. 

Like when doctors say "you need to get 8 hours of sleep"... and you're like, "it's not from lack of trying... I toss and turn all night."

Good news is that there are probiotics that produce melatonin (the sleeping hormone)... and this sets the foundation for all hormone production... powerful stuff!

Skill #3 - Nourishment to Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics

Probiotics require different "nutrients" depending on their strain.

Some beer styles like high ABV (alcohol by volume) beers require specific yeast strains that have unique nourishment requirements. In the case of high ABV beers, yeast need extra oxygen to grow strong and survive a high ABV environment.

Some probiotics in our body also require oxygen to thrive and that's where drinks like beet kvass and other oxygen boosting foods come into play. Knowing how to choose foods that nourish probiotics is something that isn't taught by diets like keto, vegan, carnivore, animal based or others.

... and it's super simple once you learn these principles.

Skill #4 - Proper Digestion to Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics

When brewing beer, we had to soak grains at a slightly lower pH to digest proteins compared to a higher pH to digest starches. 

The body works the same. You digest starches in your mouth which is more alkaline compared to the stomach which is very acid and it's where we digest proteins. 

Understanding how the body digests food properly helps you understand what foods you can and should eat to help the probiotics in your gut.

Skill #5 - Balancing Your pH to Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics

Your body is 74% water...

It's one thing to drink alkaline water... it's another thing when the water that's already inside your body becomes too acidic or too alkaline. How do you balance that?

One reason I decided to go raw vegan was because I learned my body was acidic. Going raw vegan helped me alkalize my body. 

That worked well, until I created a new imbalance. I became too alkaline and had to learn to re-balance my pH to an optimal range. This is a more in-depth version of knowing when to use alkalizing foods and when to use acidic foods. 

This is not optional. You are doing this everyday, but since most people don't know they are doing this with everything they eat or drink, most people end up with a pH out of balance and that's what causes bad bacterial overgrowth, yeast overgrowth or parasites in your gut.

Skill #6 - Fasting and Ketosis to Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics

Fasting has become popular amongst health influencers and most people talk about fasting as if everyone should be doing it.

... but fasting is not for everyone.

Fasting is good for hormone production, but that's not good when your hormones are out of balance. If you have high cortisol levels or other have other hormones out of balance then those need to be brought into balance first because fasting will only make it worse.

That's why I think of fasting as being a skill. There is a place and time for it, but if you have an autoimmune condition, then you need to work on the first five skills before tapping into this one.

What can brewing beer teach you about fasting?

For the longest time I saw no connection, until I realized that fasting is just like the lagering stage of fermentation. Lagering is also known as conditioning or aging. 

You've heard of "wine gets better with time"? that's conditioning... that's an environment where probiotics clean up and rebuild themselves. 

Some probiotics need time to condition, but not all. So the way we approach fasting is different and unique to your own microbiome. 

Can I Teach You How To "Brew" To Grow Energy-Transferring Probiotics?

I don't think people realize what they are asking me when they ask me to teach them this stuff. 

I'm not a doctor... I'm a beer brewer...

This isn't hard, but it's not about finding a set of recipes and popping some pills. This is a different lifestyle that brings back traditional cooking methods, drinks and foods that have been used for eons.

I understand probiotics because I studied fermentation and continued building my skill by practicing on myself. 

I cannot practice for you... and I would need to work alongside with you for at least 90 days before I can understand what is going on with your microbiome.

Even then, all that I can do is speed up your learning process, by helping you avoid the mistakes I made when I was first learning about this...

I cannot point you in the right direction unless you are already taking action on this. 

If you haven't started with hydration and improving your vitamin D levels, then Energy Bootcamp isn't for you...

This is for people who have already started the process with everything I share for free and because you've seen results you want to learn more.

How Much is Energy Bootcamp?

I have spent thousands on doctors, functional medicine practitioners, hormone specialists, labs, supplements, etc.

I've had people that paid upwards of $7,000 to $9,000 on other programs from health professionals that just filled them with books to read, labs and supplements with little or no results. 

If you were to get results, then $9,000 is nothing... health is worth way more than that...

... but I want Energy Bootcamp to be within reach of more people so I'm not going to price it at $9,000 even though people get results. 

I'm not even going to charge $4,800, which would be more than worth it since people have been getting results.

I have actually charged $2,800 for this program, but that's not within reach of many people... so I've decided that I'm going to offer it for a more affordable price closer to $1,800 or less... 

Energy Bootcamp is a Live training program where I take a cohort of people and walk them through this process via Zoom meetings.

This is very time intensive for me to learn other people's microbiome so I can only commit to doing this with a group of people once a year.

... and I want to be clear about one thing. This isn't about selling information. It's about who I give my time to because I share the information for free, but many people don't take action and reach out to me for questions that have nothing to do with what I teach. 

I prefer to help people who have started their hydration journey, their sleep improvement journey, have seen results, and now are just looking for extra guidance to speed up their process. 

I shared the first version of this bootcamp on social media for free and I constantly share everything on my email newsletter. 

If you've consumed my content and would like to support my work, then you can join our tribe by getting on the waitlist for Energy Bootcamp.

If you are not sure if you are ready for Energy Bootcamp, you can get the All-Day Energy Blueprint which walks you through the first three skills we go over inside Energy Bootcamp. The All-Day Energy Blueprint is a 30 day, self-guided course that will help you decide if you want to participate in our next Energy Bootcamp (and you'll get on our priority list since it shows you are serious and taking action on this).

If you've been through the 5-Day Hydration Challenge or you've completed the All-Day Energy Blueprint, then fill out the form below to join the Energy Bootcamp waiting list.


BeerDietProject.com, including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. This information is not intended to treat cure or prevent any disease. By visiting this site you agree that health is your responsibility and that we are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. This site is for entertainment purposes only to learn about beer, fermentation and how it relates to the human body. Cheers!