A 5 day hydration challenge is simple...
The goal is to create a habit over the next 5 days to do 2 things...
#1 Drink the amount of clean mineralized water required by your body to hydrate first thing when you wake up...
#2 ... and then continue to sip on water throughout the day to stay hydrated...
Here's why I think that getting AND staying hydrated helped me get more energy...
What I refer to as "charging your batteries" is a 2 step process that starts with hydration... the better sleep challenge completes the "charge"...
Imagine a battery that's fully charged...
... and as you start using up energy, the battery cell begins to "dry" like a plum turning into a prune...
That’s what happens to the cells of your body when you become dehydrated…
Not only do cells begin to shrivel up, you begin to lose that “charge” that gives you energy…
Getting more energy starts with staying hydrated…
The keyword here is “staying” hydrated…
There’s one time when you'll become dehydrated no matter what…
It’s overnight when you sleep…
That's why the Beer Diet Project journey starts with creating a habit of hydrating first thing upon waking up and continue “staying” hydrated throughout the day…
It may sound stupid simple, but if you have no energy, get poor sleep and can't lose weight no matter what, I'm willing to bet you don't hydrate this way...
Which is why I'm going to teach you how to charge your batteries so you can get more energy so you can get back to enjoying life...
5 days is simply to give you the spark to start the journey and see for yourself if you feel more energy, better sleep and find it easier to stay lean & toned as you continue on the journey...
It doesn’t work the same if you wait until later in the day to hydrate…
If you want to get more energy start with hydration first thing in the morning… and continue sipping on water to stay hydrated throughout the day...
Here's some success stories from people who started their Beer Diet Project journey...
Not everyone sees results in a couple of weeks... some people take 4-6 weeks or longer...
That’s why consistency is important, because you have to practice hydration the way you would practice learning how to play an instrument…
Hydration is a skill… the more you practice, the better you become at it...
If you are ready to get started continue reading...
How much water do I drink?
There is no formula that tells you exactly how much water you need to drink…
There are many factors that you need to take into account…
#1 what are your current levels of hydration?
#2 what is your diet like?
#3 what are your activity levels like?
#4 height?
#5 weight?
#6 etc.
No need to get caught up with all those details yet...
Let's start with the basics...
How much water do you drink in a day?
Is the water clean and mineralized?
We teach this in more detail in our Live [Energy Bootcamps]...
The goal of the 5 day hydration challenge is for you to learn how your body feels when it’s hydrated and when it’s dehydrated…
Many people have been dehydrated for so long, they’ve forgotten what it feels like to be hydrated…
When you first wake up you're the most dehydrated because your body uses water to clean itself naturally when you sleep...
Which is why I drink about 1 quart of clean mineralized water first thing when I wake up to re hydrate my body...
I didn't start drinking 1 quart of water first thing upon waking up...
I used to struggle to drink 1 glass...
I simply got started and over time I started to feel the difference depending on the amount of water I drank...
I started documenting how I felt when I drank 2 glasses, then 3, etc...
Over time I just found my sweet spot was around one quart when I wake up and an extra 3 quarts throughout the day...
I didn't drink much water past 5-6pm because I don't like to wake up in the middle of the night to go pee...
Here are some tips on ways to gauge how hydrated you are:
As you improve your hydration you should notice improvements like...
If you want to learn more about hydration and water I recommend the book Your Body’s Many Cries For Water by F Batmanghelidj, M.D. ...
In the book Dr Batmanghelidj says you should drink a minimum of 2 quarts (liters) a day…
That was my starting point and now I average around a gallon of water a day...
I can't tell you how much water to drink for a couple of reasons...
#1 I'm not a doctor...
#2 People say they have clean mineralized water and sometimes they don't... and if they don't have clean mineralized water using the right minerals, then drinking their water may not be good for them...
Not all magnesium is good, and not all sources of pink Himalayan salt are good... some sources of pink Himalayan salt may contain lead, mercury or other radioactive materials that aren't good for you...
That's why I don't use pink Himalayan salt that has been ground up. I only use large crystal stones from closed mines that I know are clean and maintain their ionic charge...
You'll learn more about crystals later in the journey...
Ease into this...
Start small and build up...
To start your 5 hydration challenge here's what you need...
Clean Mineralized Water for hydration
#1 a source of clean water
#2 Ionic magnesium w/trace minerals
#3 Large pink Himalayan SOLE salt crystals
Once you get your products and you're ready to get started, watch this video on how to mineralize your water...
Watch this video on how to make SOLE salt
Why should you ease into this?
... because as you begin to mineralize the cells of your body what happens is that they start working... that's what you want...
... but what that means is that they will begin to self cleanse and will start to push out toxins out of the body...
We call this intracellular cleansing...
All of this is good, but understand that you may begin to push toxins out of the cells... if you begin to feel headaches, nausea, cramps or other uncomfortable feelings, then you are feeling the effects of toxins, not minerals...
That's why you are better off easing into this...
This is also why you don't start to detox until you get hydration down... hydration down can be a detox in and of itself...
If you go back to understanding clean water, you should have the understanding that clean water without minerals is a tool you can use to dilute so if you overdo minerals, just take a step back and drink more water without minerals to dilute and flush out toxins out of the body...
The big takeaway is to start with less minerals and slowly increment...
Take the next few days to find your hydration rhythm...
#1 How much water and minerals does it take to hydrate you first thing when you wake up...
#2 the pace at which you need to be drinking water throughout the day to stay hydrated...
#3 get clear on your goal so that you know why you are dedicating time to practice this skill...
Health is a skill...
I'm excited to follow your journey...
My goal with this project is to collect 1,000 success stories from people who use Beer Diet Project to get more energy, sleep better and stay lean & toned...
BeerDietProject.com, including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. This information is not intended to treat cure or prevent any disease. By visiting this site you agree that health is your responsibility and that we are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. This site is for entertainment purposes only to learn about beer, fermentation and how it relates to the human body. Cheers!
18 replies to "5 Day Hydration Challenge"
Got my mason jar of water ready🎉
Boom!! Love it!! I can sense you’ll be our next success story!
Drinking water is simple but also hard. If you wait until later in the day it is not the same result as drinking water first thing.
I love Christina’s energy. I am excited to see the next success story!
Woot woot!!
Hi Jorge! 😊
Good videos 👍
Thank you!
Thanks for the links and info.
Need to push for at least 0.75ml of water in the morning with a target of 1L
🙌 Nice!
Hydration accomplished!! 🎉🍻
About a year ago I committed to myself to drink 64 oz of water a day AT A MINIMUM. Many days I reach 80 oz. Earlier this year I started doing 2 cups of room temp water with a lemon and sole water first thing when I got up. I’m going to jump that up to 4 cups right when I get up!
You’ll find that with minerals you don’t need to drink as much water…
Completed the 5 day hydration challenge.
Before entering into your “Beer Diet Project” , I only mineralized my first 12oz of water upon waking (warm with organic 1/2 lemon squeezed into it ).
Since mineralizing ALL my water, I have noticed an increase in overall energy! My energy is no longer strong the first half and depleted the second half. My secong half of the day energy is not as great as the first half. But it has improved significantly. I no Longer feel the need for a nap everyday !
I’m drinking half my weight in ounces. But I’m beginning to think I may need more. I like how you mentioned you stop drinking later in the eve so that you’re not waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Which leads me to believe I need to increase my water intake. I literally feel parched in the eve between 6-8, which leads to drinking water and then waking at 2 am to relieve myself !
Love this!!
It’s good to play around with hydration… normally I am drinking plenty of mineralized water earlier in the day… there are days when I’m detoxing that I have a different structure. It’s good that you are noticing these details now and getting to know your body.
Completed the 5day hydration challenge. I need to increase my water intake and will be continue to mineralize my water to increase my energy