How to Get More Energy...

Energy is what makes you spring out of bed feeling good and ready to take on the day... 

Energy is what your body produces to grow and stay alive...

... and if you want to learn how to get more energy then you must understand how the body produces energy...

In 2012, I was tired all the time, would toss and turn all night, and could not lose weight no matter what...

When I started researching what was wrong with me I came across a paradigm that keeps many people living with chronic fatigue...

I started out thinking that the reason why I was tired was because of low thyroid...

That's what health professionals and all the literature kept saying...

... and so I kept looking for ways to improve my thyroid function thinking that was the key to getting my energy back...

I spent thousands on labs and supplements trying to figure this out only to find out that the thyroid doesn't produce energy...

Low thyroid is not the reason for low energy...

I would almost say that low energy is the root cause of thyroid issues... but I'll leave that for another day...

So, if you want to get more energy, then let's start by asking, how does the body produce energy?

... any guesses?

It's not the thyroid...

Food is supposed to give you energy right?

You are supposed to eat food and that food is supposed to be converted into energy your body can use...

So what converts food into energy?

It's called your Mitochondria...

Every cell of your body is like a mini battery... and inside the cell is a tiny organ-like thing called the mitochondria which is responsible for producing energy...

If you have no energy, then let's break down this process to figure out what part of this process is broken...

So follow along...

Food is supposed to give you energy...

You eat food and your body is supposed to break it down and digest it...

Once your body breaks down and digests food, the nutrients are delivered to the cells of your body and they turn those nutrients into energy...

If this isn't happening for you, then we need to start looking at every single step and troubleshoot from there...

#1 Does the food you are eating have nutrients?

Most food doesn't... 

It doesn't matter if it's organic... 

It doesn't matter if the label says it's all natural...

Most food is simply devoid of minerals and key nutrients that you can only get from healthy soil through regenerative farming practices...

Without minerals and key nutrients you can't produce energy so start by looking at the foods you eat regularly...

#2 Are you digesting and breaking down food properly?

This is where most people struggle...

If you have gas, bloating or constipation then you are not breaking down food properly...

This is how I started to figure out that I had gut issues... 

Bad bacteria, yeast overgrowth, parasites and other things that make up your gut flora affects your ability to break down and digest food properly...

The biggest problem is that if you have an imbalance in your gut flora, then it doesn't matter how nutrient rich your food is, you still won't be able to digest and get nutrients out of the food until you restructure your gut flora...

Not to mention that bad bacteria, bad yeast, parasites and other pathogenic microbes that live in your gut are "bad" because they produce toxic waste and that toxic waste drains your energy...

#3 Nutrients need to be delivered to the cells of your body...

The last step to getting more energy is that nutrients need to be delivered to the cells of your body...

The two biggest factors that affect this is toxic levels in your body and hydration...

The process we follow in our program is to hydrate first...

Next we work on boosting vitamin D...

Your vitamin D levels are a good indicator of how strong your immune system is... low vitamin D is a sign of a weak immune system, which means poor digestion... 

If you have a hard time falling or staying asleep then this is a sign that your gut flora needs to be restructured...

Once this is done we can focus on improving mitochondria function by delivering nutrients to the cells of your body so they can produce energy...

If you'd like to learn more about how to get more energy click the "continue" button below..., including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. This information is not intended to treat cure or prevent any disease. By visiting this site you agree that health is your responsibility and that we are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. This site is for entertainment purposes only to learn about beer, fermentation and how it relates to the human body. Cheers!