In a world full of unconsciousness, you are awake... why?

Dear lightleader,

The world is undergoing a mass awakening and you feel it is your soul purpose to help heal and restore... 

You are being called to heal and co-create a conscious new earth...

You have found your true self and stepped into your power... 

You have transcended yourself...

You are a force of God...

You anchored yourself in your truth...

You embody your craft... you live and breathe healing... you are love & light...

You have intention and clarity about your mission...

... and you have ALREADY DECIDED that healing is what you are doing... you are actively creating and offering your gifts to the world...

By actively creating you are inspiring others to take action on their dreams and goals...

The problem is that the world is filled with imbalance and toxicity...

People are disconnected from themselves and from mother nature...

People are diseased, treating symptoms, not the root cause... 

You see the suffering and want to help so bad, but you realize that everyone is their own healer... 

To heal the world, you must heal yourself and lead by example...

Forget trying to wake up sheep...

It's time to wake the sleeping lions...

It's time to get around conscious entrepreneurs, lightleaders and elevate your consciousness to help co-create a new earth...

It's time to take a stand for your health, sovereign wealth and freedom... it is your birthright... it won't be given to you, you must claim it and take it...

You don't have to do this alone... The Lightleaders Mastermind is here to work together and bring collective expertise together to bring a more decentralized & conscious new earth to manifestation...

Join The Lightleaders Mastermind to build in the new tokenized economy where we all give, contribute and collaborate on topics like...

How to build a business on the blockchain using web3 (decentralized) social media, NFT's and content creation on the blockchain...
How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO's) are the new way to build wealth in the token economy... and why your healing impact will be much bigger as a result of being part of a community in a DAO...
Principles of diet that optimize your microbiome to get more energy, sleep better and stay lean & toned...
Do you have a special gift you are being called to give to the world? This mastermind is the best place to find high level conscious healers to take your work much deeper...

When you join The Lightleaders Mastermind you will receive...

Access to our mastermind Discord community of like minded healers and conscious entrepreneurs
A collectible NFT designed by Psychedelic artist Jake Kobrin which gives you access to previously recorded and future mastermind sessions
Receive lightleaders tokens which we intend to build value into as we grow our mastermind community

About the NFT & Artist

choose your image

Jake is an emerging psychedelic artist that designs amazing art and has already started to sell some as NFTs. One of them has already sold for 0.85 ETH! 

You can find his NFT page here as well as his Instagram here...

As this community becomes more and more successful we believe the NFT will increase in value over time...

About Our Guest Speakers

Watch these podcast episodes with Alex and our guest speakers so you are well informed before joining our mastermind sessions

Join us in our Telegram group to further discuss the details of this event, ask any questions and become part of our growing community, including all associated social media, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. This information is not intended to treat cure or prevent any disease. By visiting this site you agree that health is your responsibility and that we are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that allegedly arises from the use or misuse of any information published on this website and related social media sites. This site is for entertainment purposes only to learn about beer, fermentation and how it relates to the human body. Cheers!