Out of an egg pops up a caterpillar… the caterpillar drags itself through life until it decides to go through a transformation…

To transform, the caterpillar wraps itself into its cocoon where it self digests…

Yes, it self digests as in it eats itself…

Sounds horrifying… I know…

… but that’s what it takes for a caterpillar to transform into a butterfly…

[Transformation Bootcamp] requires you to go through this process…

One thing is for sure… you won’t be the same once you clean your body out…

You will begin to experience true health!

How do you go through this transformation?


Fasting is what triggers autophagy…

Autophagy is self-digestion…

This is your body’s natural cleansing mechanism…

It will literally transform your body…

… but you have to do it the right way…

If you can’t see yourself fasting, it’s okay… I didn’t think I’d be able to fast either…

If you’re thinking you’ll be too hungry to fast or question whether it’s safe to fast know that it’s normal to feel that way before you go through a transformation… when you go through a transformation fasting becomes easy and enjoyable…

More important, if you want to restructure your gut flora and optimize your microbiome, fasting is a required skill… phase 3 of the Beer Diet Project journey involves advanced fasting strategies so phase two is meant to prepare you to fast in a way that’s safe and not feel hungry…

You cannot skip phase 2 and attempt to grow probiotics… you simply won’t “get it”…

I wish I could just come up with a probiotic pill and transform your gut, but it doesn’t work that way…

Don’t worry… I’ve designed this so fasting feels effortless…

We’re going to build your skills from the ground up…

We’re going to peel off one layer at a time and make small progressions so you won’t even notice until you look back a few weeks from now and see how far you’ve come…

Here’s a video on what to expect during [Transformation Bootcamp]