I just finished putting together my [Energy Blueprint] v2.0!!

This is the same blueprint I use to walk people through my process of how to get more energy...

In 2012 I was so tired, I felt like I was 84 living in a 28 year old body...

If I planned to go to the store I had to plan a nap to recover from that...

Food is supposed to give you energy... but I would get sleepy after eating even if it was just a salad...

Back then I had no idea how the body produces energy...

I was told I had low energy because of low thyroid...

... but the thyroid doesn't produce energy... 

Here's how I figured this out...

When I was told I was going to have to take hormones for the rest of my life, I set out to research how the body produces hormones...

I found that a big part of hormone production happens in your gut...

... and it was then that I made the connection between my poor gut health and energy...

I had leaky gut... autoimmune issues...

I wasn't digesting food properly...

I started to develop food allergies and sensitivities...

My belly would expand and I'd be gassy after eating...

Which is why I wasn't getting the nutrients my body needed to produce energy...

So I started to clean up my gut and restructure my gut flora...

I started to pay attention to everything that went into my body and understood the difference between eating and nourishing my body...

When I started to nourish my body I started getting my energy back and started to sleep better...

I was no longer scared to leave the house thinking I'd faint or get dizzy while out and about... 

I started enjoying life again, hiking, paddleboarding, mountain biking, and feeling good...

I started to learn about food and quickly found that everything I knew about food was wrong... my diet changed in ways that you can only understand when you understand gut health... fermentation and regenerative farming practices...

That's why I'm writing a book on the topic and this is just a small sample of what's to come... 

If you'd like to grab a copy of my [Energy Blueprint], which is an excerpt of my book then click the button below and subscribe to our 30 day Energy Jumpstart e-course...

Enter your name and email below and we'll send you an email with a link to download our [Energy Blueprint]...
