Why Bone Broth Is The Best Breakfast To Boost Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin...

That means you need healthy fats in your diet so that the body can uptake and use vitamin D.

Most people have become used to eating carbs for breakfast...

Cereal, oatmeal, toast, pastries (muffins, etc.)...

... but here's why bone broth is a better choice for breakfast if you are trying to boost your vitamin D...

Bone broth is a good source of healthy fat that helps your body uptake vitamin D... but in order for that to happen, your body must be able to use fat as a source of fuel...

Fasting is how you train your body to use fat as a source of fuel...

It takes roughly 12 hours for your body to enter the fasted state... 

This is one way I measure my metabolic efficiency, meaning how good is my body doing at burning fat...

When I first started fasting, it would take closer to 16 hours to enter the fasted state. As my body became fat adapted, and got better at burning fat, I started getting into a fasted state faster...

If you get hungry (or "hangry") as soon as you wake up it's because your body is not entering the fasted state... you've got work to do...

When your body is trained and enters the fasted state, you don't get hungry...

Granted, you must be well nourished which we'll cover during step 3 of the Beer Diet Project journey before we get into fasting...

Fasting is often looked at as something foreign... some may even think of it as crazy... why would you skip a meal?

I used to think that I would die if I skipped a meal... 

After all, we are taught that breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

The problem for most people is that they eat dinner too late and eat breakfast too early...

I used to eat a snack around 10 pm before going to bed... then I'd be eating breakfast as soon as I woke up around 6 am... 

I was only giving my body 8 hours of rest between meals which wasn't enough to enter the fasted state...

I couldn't imagine eating any later or skip my late night snack...

So over time my body lost the ability to enter the fasted state and burn fat...

It forgot how to burn fat and I started gaining weight non stop...

One of the biggest benefits of fasting is that your body uses fat as a source of fuel...

That's why bone broth became one of the best tools for me to train my body to burn fat as a source of fuel...

With bone broth, you are breaking your fast but your body stays in ketosis because there is no carbs in bone broth...

When you eat carbs, you break your fast, and also come out of ketosis which means that your body starts burning carbs as a source of fuel... once you eat carbs, you have to constantly replenish your glycogen levels which requires you to eat small meals throughout the day...

When you have bone broth for breakfast, you break your fast because the fats in bone broth require digestion, but your body stays in ketosis because there are no carbs...

Having bone broth for breakfast makes it so your body uses fat as a source of fuel so it stays in a state of ketosis... that's why starting your day with a ketogenic breakfast like bone broth is what helped me boost my vitamin D...

I get my bone broth from AZ Grass Raised Beef, because they make it using high quality bone marrow which gives the broth the nutrients you need including gelatin which is one of the easiest to digest and uptake source of protein.

This type of bone broth is not found at your typical grocery stores. The bone broth you'll find is usually a liquid that stays liquid when stored in the fridge. That's because it's not made with bone marrow so you don't get the nutrients you need, and they are usually high in sodium. 

Real bone broth is thick, gelatinous and nutrient rich... it has minerals. I call it "real" when it's made from animals that were raised using regenerative or biodynamic farming practices which are ethical, and sustainable because their focus is in enriching the land, growing more vegetation and other fauna. These are life giving practices.

Fake bone broth is made from animals raised the conventional way which creates emissions that's bad for the environment, depletes the soil of nutrients and makes it so animals grow with poor health...

You are what you eat...

Try high quality bone broth and see how your body gets a boost of energy... combine it with Fermented Cod Liver Oil + Butter oil and watch your sleep improve as you boost your vitamin D levels...

My other favorite breakfast is my Coconut lemon cooler.

One last thing to note...

If you haven't been eating healthy fats...


If you have been eating bad fats (vegetable oils like canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, etc.)

Then chances are that you may have a hard time digesting fats and could have developed gallstones... this is why it's common for people who have fat digestive issues to get their gallbladder removed...

We cover how to improve fat digestion during step 4 of the Beer Diet Project journey where we dive deeper into diet...

Want us to help you get more energy, sleep better and lose weight?

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